We know the feeling of absolute overwhelm, of the struggle to make informed decisions and the sense of disconnection which often happens when confronted with the minefield of aged care packages and providers. Aged Care Made Easy is here to help.
In Australia, we’re spoilt for choice with hundreds of providers and a wide range of options to choose from. Aged care recipients looking for local services are pointed to the government’s digital portal, which is information overload for most elderly people, and often for their loved ones too.
What most people want is guidance, clarity and simplicity.
That’s why we created Aged Care Made Easy.
Hi, we’re the co-founders of Aged Care Made Easy – Nicci McGrail and Craig Waitoa. We’ve all been by our parents’ sides, trying to sort through the mountains of information to choose the best possible funding options, local services that really care and wont over charge. To achieve this, we needed guidance on our options, transparency around providers and a simple way to ensure our loved ones received the best aged care service possible within their allocated package. Due to the confusing way the information was presented, the overwhelming number of options and the time it took to sort through them, this was an almost impossible feat … and we realised there were so many others in the same situation.
Aged Care Made Easy was born.
Having years of medical industry experience, we’ve formed collaborative relationships with our long-term contacts to streamline the available information. This enables you, our readers, to ditch the frustration and confusion – and gain clarity and confidence in your choices.
Our growing team has integrity and heart and we’re passionate about helping our ageing population to enjoy their golden years, supported by the local providers who can best cater to their needs. We constantly update our research, so you don’t have to.
How Aged Care Made Easy works
Whether you’re a health care provider wishing to assist patients, an aged care provider seeking an effective way to connect with clients in your region, or the recipient of an aged care package, Aged Care Made Easy is here to help.
We streamline the most relevant information into easily understandable and relevant local options. This enables you to find the right provider and best service for your individual needs, simply and easily.
Through our comprehensive printed guide and online directory, we support the elderly to make informed decisions based on the most relevant information.
You can search this handy online directory based on your postcode, so only the providers offering services in YOUR AREA will come up. This directory provides equal opportunity for all providers, while clients can easily access their choice of local services. You can then choose from the local businesses based in your area or larger regional or national providers – it’s entirely up to you.
Aged Care Made Easy – Simplifying the aged care process